Flavor is one of the biggest features of vaping and one of the main factors that separates vaping from smoking. Cigarette smoke has an incredibly harsh taste, but that should never happen when vaping. You should never taste anything burnt, rough or "off" - and that's why you'll probably immediately feel uneasy if your vape doesn't taste good. You are probably especially concerned if this is your first vaping experience and you have never experienced anything other than a burnt taste. In this case, it is especially important to fix the problem, because your first vaping experience should always be great. Otherwise, you might go back to smoking. If your cocktail tastes burnt, we're here to tell you that it's definitely not normal—and most importantly, you can definitely fix it. In this article, we will help you understand why your vape tastes burnt and also guide you on how to fix the problem.
What makes steam taste burnt?
If your vape tastes burnt, you can't properly troubleshoot until you understand why - and that's where we start. We're assuming here that your vapor tastes burnt with every puff. In other words, the problem is constant and not intermittent.
There are two reasons why vaping can get a lingering burning taste. The coil overheats or dries out while vaping, which has caused the cotton core of the coil to burn. In this case, you will feel a very strong taste while vaping, because you are actually tasting ham cotton. Residues of E-liquid have accumulated on the heating surface of the radiator. The residue became very thick and started to burn while using the device. In this case, you end up with a "caramelized" or "burnt sugar" taste that will overpower the taste of your e-liquid over time. Whether the vape tastes burnt e-liquid residue or burnt core, the condition is constant; you can solve this by simply changing the coil. However, if you are tired of constantly changing the coil or case of the device, you need to know why the problem occurs. As mentioned above, the two conditions have slightly different effects on taste, although both taste burnt. You can tell what the problem is by how it tastes when you vape. If it tastes like burnt cotton, the coil has a burning heart. If you can taste burnt sugar, the wrapper is covered in residue. If you have a vapor tank with a replaceable coil, another easy way to find out why your vapor will taste burnt is to look at the coil when you remove it from the tank or housing. If the heating surface of the radiator looks black and scratched, it is covered with residue. If the heating surface is still white and shiny, the coil probably has a burnt core. Before discussing specific solutions, let's note that it is also possible for the vapor to taste burnt from time to time. In this case, you will notice a burning taste when the device is inflated, but only part of the time. The rest of the time it tastes normal. In this case, your coil will probably dry out in your vape, but your heart might not be singing just yet. If your device has adjustable power, you will need to reduce the power. With that information out of the way, what can you do to avoid a taste of the desert?
How to stop your vape from tasting burnt due to coil compression
Burnt e-liquid residue – commonly known as coil gun – is the most common cause of a burnt taste when vaping. This is because most e-liquids today are full of sucralose, and sucralose doesn't vaporize when heated - it caramelizes and eventually burns. All flavors can eventually contribute to spiral formation, but sucralose is by far the worst. In this case, the solution is actually quite simple - you should stop using sweetened vape juice. Although most common e-liquids are now sweetened, it is still possible to find sucralose e-liquid if you look hard enough. When you switch to a sucralose-free e-liquid, you'll notice that your coils last significantly longer before starting to taste burnt.
How to keep your vape from tasting bad from a burnt wick?
Next, we'll discuss what you can do to prevent coils from burning if the main problem is a burnt core. In this case, the main cause of the problem is that the coil core dries out with steam. The core feeds e-liquid to the coil, which helps regulate the temperature of the coil. As the wick dries, the coil will overheat and glow - and the cotton face will almost certainly catch fire.
Why does my vape burn with the new coil?
As we've mentioned many times in this guide, the only way to permanently fix a burnt vapor is to install a new coil or body. But what if the cocktail still tastes desert - even with a new spiral? In this case, it is very likely that there is a dry pocket in the coil core. This usually happens for one of three reasons. You did not prepare the coils during installation. Always apply some e-liquid to the cotton to make sure the vape juice is fully absorbed. You started vaping right after installing the coil. It takes several minutes for the wick to become completely saturated with e-liquid. If you start vaping right after installing the coil, the wick may burn. Your unit's power supply is not set to the correct installed coil. Always start at the lower end of the coil's recommended wattage to avoid overheating the coil and burning the wick.