Whether Vaping Is Safe : What You Should Know
Whether Vaping Is Safe : What You Should Know
  • Numerous studies have established that there are no major short- or long-term health risks associated with the use of e-cigarettes, re-elevating the debate over whether vaping is safe.

  • It's easy to understand how that kind of reporting could influence the general public's perception and put obstacles in the way of those who would most benefit from switching to electronic cigarettes.

  • Even if these obnoxious headlines appear to be waning in recent months, they really hurt the economy in the long run. They've persuaded people to doubt the safety of vaping and implanted that bothersome question: "Is vaping safe enough for me to try it?"

What Do Scientists Think About the Safety of Vaping?

The quick response?

  • Numerous studies in recent years have proven that vaping is generally safe, at least temporarily. In reality, the Library, a nonprofit organization that examines credible studies, published its E-cigarette Report in 2016 and came to the conclusion that vaping had no discernible short-term negative consequences.
  • The first studies that looked at the long-term health effects of vaping are finally giving us their findings. The results of a recent 3.5-year study showed that vaping is unlikely to harm humans significantly; even in test subjects who vaped heavily, no damage to the heart, lungs, or other organs was discovered.

The Need to Frame Vaping Safety in the Correct Context

  • Without the appropriate standard, discussing vaping safety is basically useless. Whether vaping is safer than smoking is something that should interest us all. Why was the question taken out of context in the first place when none of us would ever advise vaping to a non-smoker?

  • Vaping is undoubtedly risky because our lungs were not made to breathe in anything other than air. 

  • But is vaping fatal? Here's a task for you: search Google for information on a person whose demise was likely caused by regular, sensible vaping.


Is vaping secure for users and those nearby?

  • So far, all research suggests that vaping is safe for both users and nearby onlookers who happen to get sucked into a cloud of odorous vapor. However, because we can still respond "is vaping safe" with a resounding, unequivocal YES, which is the hope of every serious vaper, more research is unquestionably required in this area.
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