How to Use  Nicotine Free Vape and Be Satisfied Completely.
How to Use Nicotine Free Vape and Be Satisfied Completely.

Have you ever questioned why nicotine-free vape juice is offered by practically every e-liquid manufacturer in the world? It might surprise you to find that there is a sizable market for nicotine-free vape juice if you yourself use e-liquid containing nicotine. Although using nicotine-free vape juice provides some unexpected advantages, the major advantage is that it is free of highly addicting nicotine. When nicotine is successfully eliminated, you stop using vaping to meet needs. It becomes much simpler to completely stop vaping at this point, which is one of the last phases of the process.We're going to argue in this post that, if you go about it the right way, you can transition to nicotine-free vape juice and still have a fantastic vaping experience. Additionally, we'll detail how to make that switch while reducing cravings. Let's go for it!

The Path to Vaping Without Nicotine

You generally don't want to stop using nicotine right away if you already use e-liquid with a high nicotine content, are still smoking, or have just started vaping. One of the final phases of the vaping journey is nicotine-free vaping, and while it's a tremendous accomplishment, it shouldn't be rushed.Reducing your nicotine intake gradually will increase your chances of success. Here is a plan of action.

Gradually lowering your nicotine intake

The next stage is to start gradually lowering the nicotine content of your e-liquid once you've made the switch to vaping. You don't have to switch from a high nicotine strength to a nicotine-free e-liquid right away because they come in a variety of strengths. There are several nicotine formulas as well. Read this page to learn more about various nicotine forms and nicotine potencies. It's better to move slowly when you're ready to cut back on your nicotine use. Consider switching to more widely available strengths, such as 15mg/ml or 12mg/ml, rather than going all the way down to a low strength, like 3mg/ml, if you now vape 18mg/ml e-liquid. Although it could take some time, if you pay attention to your body and are persistent, you will succeed. 

When you reduce the nicotine strength to a very low level, like as 3mg/ml, you could find it advantageous to switch to a more potent vaping device. You'll find it simpler to stay content when you convert to an e-liquid with much less nicotine because to the enhanced vapor output. The artisan vapour product is perfect for this procedure because it offers a superb vaping experience for both medium- and low-power direct-to-lung vaping.

Elect for E-liquid That Recreates the Nicotine Throat Hit

As you start your adventure into the realm of non-nicotine vaping, one thing you'll notice is that nicotine-free e-liquid provides a significantly reduced throat hit. Even the marginal distinction between nicotine-free e-liquid and 3 mg/ml e-liquid can feel rather significant. This may be a problem if you're the kind of vaper that associates a satisfying throat hit with vaping.Choose an e-liquid that creates a throat hit even without nicotine if you need to feel something in your throat to be pleased with your vaping experience. There are several approaches to this.

Selecting an e-liquid containing menthol, minty tastes, or other coolants is the most obvious technique to increase throat hit without adding nicotine. You might be able to adapt to these e-liquids' extreme chilling sensation really fast because it can simulate the feeling of nicotine.

Another choice is to go for flavors that are acknowledged to have a stronger throat punch on their own. It is well known that spicy spices like cinnamon and citrus scents like grapefruit or lemon give off a stronger throat punch. Despite having a subtler effect than menthol, it can nonetheless aid in simulating the effects of nicotine.

Finally, you ought to think about PG-rich e-liquids. VG and PG are the fundamental ingredients used in all e-liquids. Of these bases, PG delivers a throat hit that is more audible. Although they are less prevalent now, 40/60 VG/PG ratio e-liquids are still offered by select companies like artisan vapour. E-liquids with a 50/50 VG/PG ratio are a nice place to start.

As You Consider Vaping Without Nicotine, Take Into Account Making Your Own E-Liquid

Although nicotine concentrations in e-liquid below 3 mg/ml do exist, they are uncommon. This implies it may be challenging to find a flavor you enjoy below 3mg/ml intensity. The answer to this is straightforward: You must combine two different nicotine strengths. It's similar to making your own vape juice, but the hard work has already been done for you, so you don't have to worry about getting the ingredient ratios correct. Start by combining equal quantities of 1.5 mg/ml nicotine-free e-liquid and 3 mg/ml e-liquid to create your desired nicotine strength. As soon as you get used to that level of nicotine intensity, you can experiment with other combinations by gradually reducing the 3 mg/ml strength until you're using only a few drops of nicotine per bottle. You are then prepared to go on to vape juice without nicotine.

Utilize the Proper Vaping Equipment for Nicotine-Free Vaping.

The appropriate e-liquid selection is only one aspect of nicotine-free vaping. Making sure you're utilizing the proper vaping equipment for optimal satisfaction is the other essential component. You need to consider the factors that drive your demand for nicotine and contribute to your enjoyment of it in order to select the best hardware for nicotine-free vaping. It goes without saying that chemical addiction plays a significant role in why you use nicotine, but it's not the only one.

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