How To Travel With Your Vape Device
How To Travel With Your Vape Device

Travel may not be at the top of everyone's list of priorities right now, but that will change as more nations open their borders and the general populace learns to live fully while adopting COVID-19 measures. If you do plan to travel by plane in the near future, whether it be for business or pleasure, there are a few things to keep in mind, including how to avoid becoming sick and if you may bring your e-cigarette with you. It's crucial to research local regulations regarding bringing a vaporizer with you when travelling abroad. To make sure you are familiar with their policies, you should also contact the airline you have selected. Here are some general guidelines you should be aware of.


Travelling with e-cigarettes


The laws governing using vaping equipment while travelling are always changing and can differ from one airport and one airline to another. Common limitations include:

Your battery and vape mod: You should be prepared to be asked to keep your device with you in the cabin rather than in your checked luggage. Additionally, charging on the aircraft is not permitted. Detach it from clearomisers and tanks if possible and make sure it is charged.

E-liquid and pod refills: Just like other liquids, you are allowed to bring along small 10ml bottles of vape juice in your carry-on bag. Be warned that you may not be able to bring -containing e-juice through some airports . Make careful to pack enough e-liquid for your entire vacation if you are travelling because the flavor and quality of juices can vary greatly from region to region.


Before travelling through security, separate your batteries from your tanks and clearomizers. To avoid delays, either empty your tank or disclose it together with all of your other liquids. Having said that, you should still empty your tank before boarding because the altered air pressure in the aircraft can result in leaks. Rebuildable: If you do use a complicated vape mod that requires tools to maintain, you may want to make a switch for the duration of your trip, as pliers, coil wire, and other parts and tools in your hand luggage may raise some eyebrows. When travelling, think about using pod or disposable e-cigarettes.


 Where is vaping allowed?


Depending on the airport, you may or may not be able to vape there. Regrettably, rather than loosening, airport vaping policies seem to be getting stricter. Ask before assuming whether/where you can vape if you are unsure. Don't vape on the actual aircraft. In fact, the majority of airlines now specifically forbid vaping in their pre-flight announcements. Additionally, resist the urge to sneakily take a dose in the bathroom. Although it's unlikely, vaping can trigger smoke alarms (here's a cautionary tale). In fact, some airlines, including Airways, have detained and arrested passengers for vaping during their flights. Just like smoking, vaping isn’t worth the risk of fines or even jail time for a nicotine hit. Wait until you’ve landed and you’re in an area where vaping is allowed

This is not a comprehensive list – make sure that you take the time to learn the rules and regulations regarding vaping in your destination (every time you travel, as these regulations do tend to change). Most of the time, you can find a way to enjoy your vape safely and legally, even on the go.

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