These days, there are some things for which we should be grateful that have nothing to do with the contents of our bank accounts, refrigerators, or the absurdly adorableness of our pets. Actually, the arrival of the wonderful summer days is the major reason we all should be rejoicing and celebrating in full force! This naturally entails plenty of warm sunshine to sooth the bones chilled by the bitter winter of the previous year as well as the wonderful sight of vibrant flowers bursting up everywhere and fervently praising the sun god!
The light now seems to warm the ground and everything on it faster than a stevedore during the summer. Our delicate bodies may become exhausted by this and feel the need for some refreshment. Now, you can find such relief by cranking up the air conditioning, having an ice bath, or staying still.
However, vapers are unique individuals with a matching unique technique of staying cool during the summer. You guessed it—vaping—is how to do it.
Yes, vaping does not satisfy the thirst as effectively as a glass of cold lemonade, nor does it replenish the fluids lost via sweating and hoarse breathing. However, it is completely capable of offering a wide variety of flavours to chill consumers off.
In light of this, here are some of the best summery flavours that spice up the days while also making them much more tolerable and pleasurable!
Eating a slushie during the hottest part of the summer must be completely sinful, right? includes a base of cold colada, a berry flavour profile, and a hint of watermelon. Naturally, it's a very wonderful method to chill off!
Vapetasia's Cucumber Pear Mojito Hooch: It seems like Vapetasia went crazy with this one! The combination of the delicious flavours of cucumber, pear, and mojito into one amazingly sweet and cool bundle that runs amok through the body system makes it the ultimate in many ways! This juice is unmatched in both effect and flavour, has enough qualities to make even the sourpuss smile foolishly, and is just ideal for adding a particular touch to the hot summer days.
With a coating of minty flavour for extra cooling, Pachamama's Mint Leaf is made up of summer fruits like berries, kiwi, and honeydew. For those who don't want their taste buds and senses to be bombarded with all the subtlety of a bulldozer as other vapes are wont to do, the flavour profile here is pretty modest, which makes sense!
A floating iceberg would not have as much chill as Element Watermelon Chill! It is a premium product with a flavour profile that expertly combines watermelon and mint. Vaping this monster quickly causes consumers to become motionless!